Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Painting from Reference

Two of the main characters from the movie Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I used powdered charcoal,                        water color pencil, and water color.

Galadriel - Lady of the Light reference from google
I used charcoal on the hair of Galadriel, water color on the eyes and colored pencils on some area of the headdress/ crown.

Gandalf the grey and the reference from google
As for Gandalf, watercolor on the eyes and on the gray hair using detailing brush number zero (0). some classic colored pencil on the cheeks, but most of the area is powdered charcoal. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Watercolor study

I used watercolor tubes on this art piece found in an art shop. I considered concentrated-- less water            as a technique to achieve oil painting-like texture.

Still life of a guitar
Water color study

Sunday, August 7, 2016


 Hi Guys, I Just compiled my 3 first poems that I posted below. Hope you like it.

Ice and Flame
Ice and Flame

Bee and Flower
Bee and Flower
owl and a dove
Dove and the Owl
Notice how I used 2 characters in the poems. That is because they represents something. Something more...